I’m a Medical Writer, so I’m generally tasked with writing outlines and first drafts of documents then performing edits after internal and external reviewers have had a look.
In any given week I’m reading and writing about several disease states and how they are treated. Given that essentially nobody has perfect health. It has been useful to be continually developing an understanding of medicine and how it might affect our daily lives.
Projects have to start somewhere! While a document will go through a lot of hands, they almost always originate with the writers.
Though I’m quite happy with in my position, I think I’m most jealous of Jon and Alex, who make up our art department. I’ve always found it tough to work on both the content and aesthetic components of a presentation, so being able to focus on making something Look Nice rather than Read Nice would be a nice change of pace.
I guess it’s cooking, but since I try to challenge myself in the kitchen. I’m not sure I’m always enjoying myself!
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